Data Integration

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Sharepoint Integration: How to Share and Ingest Data Automatically into a Data Platform

I am skilled at developing solutions that leverage the power of Modern Data Platforms on cloud. My expertise on Azure cloud allows me to orchestrate solutions using Logic Apps, Azure Data Factory, Databricks and ADLS Gen2. My emphasis is always on increasing value to the customers.
Yash Tamakuwala

Are you still sharing files with your peers on teams and maintaining them in your local system? If yes, then perhaps you could use SharePoint to remove the hassle of organising files and managing documents efficiently. SharePoint is a Microsoft Office web platform that allows users to share files and documents in a collaborative fashion. …

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Big Data Sharing

Data Sharing – How to share your big data securely and in-place with 3rd parties customers and partners

Azure Data Share is a cloud-based service which helps customers share data with other organizations. It provides centralized management, monitoring and governance for sharing data from multiple Azure data sources. Using this service, you can quickly create shares which consist of multiple data-sets from a variety of Azure data stores. Easily invite your customers and external partners to access these shares through incremental snapshots of your data, revoke access as needed.

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