Lizo | Transformation in the oil & gas industry: data analysis and visualization with Azure

Lizo | Transformation in the oil & gas industry: data analysis and visualization with Azure

Data. There’s a lot of it, and it’s everywhere. Azure cloud services helps organizations manage all aspects of their volumes of data.

Here is an example of how a company in the oil and gas industry could utilize Azure Cosmos DB for data acquisition and Power BI for rich analytics with real-time insights. Through partnering with Microsoft, a company like Lizo would be able to actualize their vision of next-generation data analysis and visualization.

Watch this and look for additional Lizo videos to demonstrate the capabilities and power of Azure!

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Picture of Umesha Weerasinghe

Umesha Weerasinghe

With over a decade of experience in the realm of digital marketing, I bring wealth of knowledge and expertise in performance marketing, analytics, SEO, content marketing, and much more.

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