Data Science for Dummies – Titanic survival prediction with Azure Machine Learning Studio + Kaggle (Tech Talk 2 of 9)
Here is the next tech talk in Data Science for Dummies series I am presenting around Sydney: Part 2 of 9: Titanic survival prediction with Azure Machine Learning Studio + Kaggle. and the slides: In this session we will use the Azure Machine Learning Studio and focus on the prediction model building to get quick […]
Data Science for Dummies – Data Science Overview with Databricks (Tech Talk 1 of 9)
You might have heard of Spark and how it’s the evolution of Hadoop… great for processing Big Data…. but have you heard of Databricks? Here are the slides for the next tech talk in Data Science for Dummies series I am presenting around Sydney: Part 1 of 9: Data Science Overview with Databricks Think Spark-as-a-service, […]
Data Science for Dummies – Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks + Python (Tech Talk 3 of 9)
I put together a tech talk on Machine Learning and Databricks which is the 3rd part of an 9 part Data Science for Dummies series: Data Engineering with Titanic dataset + Databricks + Python. Preparing & feature engineering highlighted the importance of domain knowledge, even with something as simple as a 10 column dataset! It […]